Zero to One: My Way

I wanted to pen to paper this one for a while. This piece will still not do it justice but I want to let out some thoughts. I’ve been reading Peter Thiel’s Zero to One book recently and it had occurred to me while turning the pages that I have been successful due to a […]

You are Not Special

But luckily you do not need to be. I was thinking about writing this post today in light of everything. I want to do more writing. A few weeks ago I turned 30 and I thought about writing a retrospective on my twenties and even prior but really nothing has changed too much in my […]

The Reality of the Present, the Dream of Yesterday

My company XYZ AI Inc, finally has an identity and a slogan. When I created XYZ AI Inc. a few months ago I really did not know what I was doing with a brand. As they say “ship ship ship”, and that’s all the team and I have worked on. Once, StealthGPT started taking off, […]